Mentions légales

Legal Notice

The website of RUBON P ( is edited by RUBON P whose the address is LE CELLIER DU GOELO, 2 RUE DE L EGLISE 22500 PAIMPOL, numéro de siret 82807052400016 immatriculée au registre nationale des entreprises.

Personal data

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 relating to the protection of personal data, you have the following rights over your data:

  • Permission to access,
  • Right of rectification,
  • Right to erasure (right to be forgotten),
  • Right of opposition,
  • Right to restriction of processing,
  • Right to portability.

You can also define directives relating to the storage, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death. For reasons relating to your particular situation, you can object to the processing of data concerning you.

As such, and in accordance with article 116 of the aforementioned law, the personal information (first name, last name, telephone number, e-mail and function) collected via the contact forms is the object of computer processing in order to respond to users, and this in the most appropriate way, and will never be used for purposes not intended or transmitted to partners. No personal information other than that requested in this context is collected without your knowledge.

In addition, the data collected through the processing of personal data on this site will not be transferred outside the territory of the European Union.

You can also define directives relating to the storage, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death. For reasons relating to your particular situation, you can object to the processing of data concerning you. To exercise your rights, please send a letter or electronically.

Please attach a copy of an identity document. We advise you to send this letter in acknowledgment of receipt mode.

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Lifespan of personal data

Données de gestion du site internet

Data of visits to our site: For statistical purposes, without reconciliation with access accounts, we keep the reading records (date, duration, url, scroll, load time, IP, cookie) of our web pages for 60 days before deletion

Statistical data on the opening of e-mails: For statistical purposes, we keep the traces of reading (opening) for 60 days before deletion.

Login data: In order to allow you to connect to a private space, we use Cookies that are destroyed after logging out. Your password is stored in a dedicated database to this website and secure, access to which is strictly limited.

Notification of chat messages and forms: After using our chat service or contact form, a notice may be issued to alert persons referring to this website. They are stored in our databases for a maximum of 6 months before deletion to enable us to better manage our business relationship. This notification shall collect the contents of the form, IP and date and does not undergo any further processing.


We use cookies that guarantee the proper functioning of the website allowing a correct display and a secure content. Their lifespan is 300 days maximum:

  • cookie_test : Test to verify that your browser accepts cookies correctly
  • cookie_time : Control of the date of your browser
  • cookie_ip : Security check to detect IP changes
  • cookie_version : Identifies your version of the site
  • accord_rgpd : Keeps your response to the consent request (cookies)

For more information on cookies control tools, please consult the CNIL website:


This site does not use accounts.

Our servers

Our servers logs: In order to ensure an optimum and secure level of service, we keep track of our servers to monitor their behavior for 1 month before deletion. This includes: IP, dates, urls, SQL queries, browser headers.

Our servers host Our technical infrastructure, such as our servers and our computer network (private vRack), on which your personal data are stored, is leased, in Roubaix in France (Head office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France).

Declaration of subcontractors linked to this website

Touzazimut, Agence de communication digitale

This website is managed by the company Touzazimut (agence de communication), which allows this site to be published on the Internet using its Jazimut content management software. It also manages data security, service performance, and servers to store and publish data.

This website is hosted on French servers rented on (Registered office : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France). This company owns these servers and is responsible for controlling their physical access, such as electrical security, fire and theft.

Publication director

Pascal RUBON

Terms of use

Intellectual property : All the elements appearing on our site are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Consequently, any reproduction of these, total or partial, or imitation, without our express, prior and written consent, is prohibited.

It is strictly forbidden to collect and use the information available on the site for commercial purposes. This prohibition extends in particular, without this list being exhaustive, to any editorial element appearing on the site, to the presentation of screens, to logos, images, photos, graphics, of any kind whatsoever.

Touzazimut : community management

TouZaZimut is a platform and a set of services for update your site. We propose to the création de site web à Saint-Brieuc, the software package vous permet, with ease of energize your website (diary, online sales, Intranet, room reservations, Newsletter ...).

Agence de communication


Crédit photo

Laurent Patouillard

Confidentiality Commitment / DPO

I, the undersigned Pascal RUBON,
having access to personal data, declares to acknowledge the confidentiality of said data.

I therefore undertake, in accordance with Articles 34 and 35 of the Law of 6 January 1978, as amended, to: files and freedoms and Articles 32 to 35 of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016, to take all precautions in accordance with usages and the state of the art in the scope of my duties in order to protect the confidentiality of the information to which I have access, and in particular to prevent their disclosure to persons not expressly authorised to receive such information.

In particular, I undertake to:

  • not to use the data to which I have access for purposes other than those specified in my terms of reference;
  • disclose such data only to persons duly authorised, by reason of their duties, to receive such information, whether they are private, public, natural or legal persons;
  • not to make any copies of these data except as necessary for the performance of my duties;
  • take all measures in accordance with current practice and the state of the art within the scope of my responsibilities in order to prevent the misuse or fraudulent use of these data;
  • take all precautions in accordance with current practice and the state of the art to preserve the physical and logical security of such data;
  • ensure, within the limits of my responsibilities, that only secure means of communication will be used to transfer these data;
  • in the event of termination of my duties, return in full the data, computer files and any information media relating to these data.

This undertaking of confidentiality, in force throughout my term of office, shall remain in effect for an unlimited period after I have ceased to hold office, for whatever reason, provided that the undertaking concerns the use and disclosure of personal data.

I have been informed that any breach of this undertaking will expose me to disciplinary and criminal sanctions in accordance with the regulations in force, in particular with regard to Articles 226-16 to 226-24 of the Penal Code.